Ways to Support
Helping Others Live With and Beyond Cancer
As many participants have said, Camp is part of their cure. They see it as an experience that's as crucial to their survival as treatment. That's why we make it cost free for anyone who attends. To do that we need your support — financial, volunteer, in-kind and more. Donors give in many ways for many reasons. They've faced cancer. Lost someone to cancer. Or they just believe that cancer is a thing to be faced, beaten and survived. By supporting Camp they help others do just that.
What Your Donation Buys
We asked campers what they love most about camp. Here’s what they said and what it costs for us to make those things possible.
Our Wish List: In-Kind Giving
Camp's meaningful moments wouldn't be possible without the everyday items that often get overlooked. From basic medical supplies like Kleenex and bug spray to measuring cups and cutting boards for the kitchen, every donation has a part in making Camp possible. Items from our wish list can be dropped off at our Missoula Foundation office or smaller items can be mailed.
10 Cool Ways to Help Camp You Might Not Have Thought About
There are so many opportunities to support Camp that may not be the first ideas to come into your mind. Know that pop-up window that Amazon displays when you're checking out? You could be donating a percentage of your order to Camp with no cost to you. Or how about holding your next company retreat at Camp? Check our full list now.
"This is a sacred place and once I came and observed ...
... and felt the extraordinary spirit of Camp, I knew that I wanted to be part of it as long as I possibly could." Clare, one of our volunteers, said that. Many of our volunteers are previous campers themselves or have family members with cancer, as Clare does. Volunteering puts everything in perspective — "to remember the joy of life."
Foundations & Corporate
Consider the possibilities. Would your company be excited to include Camp Māk-A-Dream in a matching gift program? Next time you make a donation to Camp Māk-A-Dream, ask your employer if your company offers a matching gift program, and if so how you can obtain a form to make your donation go even further. Follow up by sharing campers' pivotal moments with your colleagues.
From the outside looking in summer may seem like our busy season, but Camp Māk-A-Dream works its magic year-round. From special projects in preparation for our major fundraising events to hosting educational workshops at our Gold Creek campus, we stay busy regardless of the temperature outside. It just happens to be summertime that we especially look forward to.
Upcoming Events & Programs

May 1

June 12

July 2

July 11

July 20